From Nested Functions to Closures

Consider this Python program that isn’t a ChocoPy program:

def f(x : int):
  def g(y : int) -> int:
    return x + y
  return g

g_where_x_is_6 = f(6)
In this development, we probe beyond the limits of ChocoPy's restrictions. We'll start doing that more and more.

It prints 11. The function g has its definition nested within the body of f, and it has access to read the parameter x of the f function. Further, g is returned from f as a value. As a point of terminology, we can say that the function escapes from f (escape analysis can help us determine this). This will have profound consequences for the notion of functions in our compiler and runtime.

The key insight we need in order to understand this case is that x must be somehow stored in a way that is accessible from the returned function value. In general, we’d need to make sure this storage happens for any nonlocal variables in the function. That means that somehow, we need to store a collection of names mapped to runtime values along with a reference to a runnable function.

Wait a minute.

  • A collection of names mapped to runtime values
  • A reference to a runnable function

That sounds an awful lot like fields and a method inside a class definition. Indeed, this insight is a useful one for a sketch of how to implement this. The key idea is (as with nested functions) to identify the nonlocal variables, and lift the definition outside the function it is nested in. However, in the case of functions that escape, we can’t just use extra arguments. Since g could be called from anywhere, we can’t rely on all other contexts (in other files/REPL entries) knowing that we’ve changed the number of arguments, or having access to the correct value for x. So, instead of lifting out a function definition, we will lift out the function into a method of a class definition with a field for each nonlocal variable.

This StackOverflow discussion shows that this is in fact the same approach that Java takes

Here’s the idea of the transformation for the above example:

class closure_f_g(object):
  x : int = 0
  def apply(self, y : int) -> int:
    return self.x + y

def f(x : int):
  g : G = G()
  g.x = x
  return g

g_where_x_is_6 : closure_f_g = f(6)

The process for this step is:

  • Identify the nonlocal variables in the escaping function
  • Create a new class with a field for each of those nonlocal variables
  • Put the definition of the function in that class as a method, with an extra self parameter
  • At the original site of the definition of the function, change the program to instantiate an object of that class and initialize its fields to the values of those variables. Call this object the closure
  • At each call to the escaping function, instead perform a method call to the function using the closure that stores the variables’ values

It’s important to note that for the function g above, x is nonlocal but not nonlocally-mutable. The creation of this class structure for the closure doesn’t eliminate the purpose of shared references for nonlocally-mutable, because different sets of nonlocally-mutable variables may be shared across many different closures. If multiple closures all have access to read and write a shared variable, it would need to be stored as a Ref that could refer to the same shared heap location across all those closures.

Surface Syntax and REPL Consequences

Until closures, our transformations have been fully expressible within ChocoPy’s restrictions. In addition, the results of our AST transformations haven’t needed to be considered at the REPL at all. That changes with closures. In fact, you may have been uneasy already about this line:

g_where_x_is_6 = f(6)

Returning g from f without calling it broke one of ChocoPy’s restrictions. But this assignment statement breaks another – the variable g_where_x_is_6 doesn’t have a corresponding variable initialization! Indeed, what would we write for such an initialization?

g_where_x_is_6 : ____________ = _______________

None of our types capture this case. It would be problematic for the programmer to use the class type closure_f_g, because this type doesn’t exist in the original program. Before we come up with a solution to this problem, we should examine the consequences of our choice to allow returning g from f further.

Since this means that the returned function is a value (a reference to object-like data on the heap), we can store it in a global variable, which we do in the example. We can also pass it to other functions, call it from the REPL, store it in an object’s fields, and so on; anything we can do with a value. In particular:

  1. Passing it to other functions and storing it in objects’ fields requires that we can describe its type
  2. Calling it from the REPL requires that we can detect which function calls are to closures, so we can correctly compile them to a method call instead of a function call.

Types for Closures

Let’s tackle task 1. above first. We need a way to describe the type of these function values. Python actually has a recommendation for this, which is to describe them using the Callable type constructor (we pick this because it’s a built-in concept in Python). The type of g above would be

Callable[[int], int]

The first part of the Callable is a list of types for the arguments, and the second part is the return type. This is similar to what you may have chosen to use to represent the function environment in your compilers, except now it’s a type that could be used in annotations. We would expect to make it part of our Type ADT, probably something like:

type Type = ... numbers, booleans, classes, none ...
  | { tag: "function", args : Array<Type>, ret: Type }

Here’s how this would fill into the original program:

def f(x : int) -> Callable[[int], int]:
  def g(y : int) -> int:
    return x + y
  return g

g_where_x_is_6 : Callable[[int], int] = f(6)

Now we start to see how our type-checker could help us determine how to compile the function call to g_where_x_is_6 on the last line – since the function’s type is a Callable type, the compiler can have the context to know to use .apply in the generated code and treat it as a method call, rather than expecting a top-level function to be used.

A Realistic Example

A major consequence of this change is that we could now imagine programs that pass functions around as arguments in many positions. For example, consider our integer list:

class List(object):
  def sum(self : List) -> int:
    return 1 / 0 # Intentional error! Make sure we implement in subclasses
  def map(self : List, f : Callable[[int], int]) -> List:
    print(1 / 0) # Intentional error! Make sure we implement in subclasses
    return None
class Empty(List):
  def sum(self : Link) -> int:
    return self.val +
  def map(self : Empty, f : Callable[[int], int]) -> List:
    return self

class Link(List):
  val : int = 0
  next : List = None

  def sum(self : Link) -> int:
    return self.val +

  def map(self : Link, f : Callable[[int], int]) -> List:
    return Link().new(f(self.val),

  def new(self : Link, val : int, next : List) -> Link:
    self.val = val = next
    return self

def square(x : int) -> int: return x * x
def twice(x : int) -> int: return x * 2

l : List = None
l = Link().new(5, Link().new(1, Empty()))

Here, the f in is two different functions at runtime. This is just like dynamic dispatch! This underscores the need for similar infrastructure to what we build for inheritance and methods – the function value needs to store enough information to find a particular function reference in a method table. In our vtable setup, it suffices to think of all function values as subclasses of a built-in Callable class with an apply method at offset 0. When we compile these functions with the class expansion shown above, they will all have a single apply method, so this representation works out.

In terms of type-checking, we will need to augment our type-checker to understand the new "function" Type. This means that definitions like square and twice above are more like variables than global definitions when they are used in argument position (like when calling map). We need to check that Callable[[int], int] matches the argument type of map, in this case (and report a type error for mismatched function types).

We also need to make sure the type-checker checks function calls appropriately when the function might be a variable of type Callable. We need to look up and compare the parameter types from the Type, rather than from a global environment of definitions by function name, because the name in the call expression isn’t necessarily the name of any definition (like f in map).

So we have an implementation checklist to make this work:

  • Parse a new Callable type annotation and add it to our Type specification.
  • Add an additional step to type-checking function calls when the function position could be a function value (a closure).
  • Add a post-type-checking transformation step to the compiler that treats closures as classes
  • Add an additional step to the compiler when generating code for function calls to closures.

Gradually Increasing Complexity Redux

In the section on nested functions, we talked about how inlining, adding extra arguments, and reference wrappers were compilation choices for increasingly complex uses of functions. In this case, making the class and instantiating closures is yet another technique for handling escaping functions. This naturally extends the types of functions we can handle, and also means we have even more choice in the compiler. Our optimizing compiler could now:

  • Inline small, non-recursive nested functions
  • Add reference wrappers to variables that are nonlocally mutable
  • Add extra arguments to un-inlinable nested functions that do not escape and change their call sites
  • Create closure classes for functions that escape and change their instantiation

Note that variable reference wrapping and closure class transformation is necessary if an escaping function refers to a nonlocally mutable variable! So the fully general function implementation (for what we’ve seen so far) would need to wrap all variables and create closure classe for all functions. We can view the omission of a closure class as an optimization for non-escaping functions, and the omission of variable references as an optimization for variables without nonlocal mutability, and so on.

Other popular language implementations, like Python, JavaScript, Scheme, and more, handle this case just fine.

It’s also worth noting that this is where the implementors of Java gave up! ! in Java it is a static error to have a nested function refer to a nonlocally mutable variable:

$ jshell
jshell> int m() {
   ...>   int x = 10;
   ...>   Function<Integer, Integer> y = (Integer z) -> x + z;
   ...>   x = 100;
   ...>   return y.apply(10);
   ...> }
|  Error:
|  local variables referenced from a lambda expression must be final or effectively final
|    Function<Integer, Integer> y = (Integer z) -> x + z;
|                                                  ^